The Journey

Three reasons to embark on personal leadership growth:

  1. [ ] It must contribute to you making money
  2. [ ] It must be fun
  3. [ ] It must be enjoyable

As a member of the Genesis Crypto and Blockchain Generation, you require different skills including being anti-fragile, managing your identity, energy and ability to navigate negative and demotivating people and experiences.

At heart most of you are still active in helping to shape new ways of thinking and being in the world. And it has just begun!

Learning comes from the "aha" moments. Aha's are not predictable, but you can create the most optimum moments for such clarity. Personal leadership intentionally achieves such conditions for peak performance.

You will experience this book and practices as

  • Moving from a google-inside-yourself to also a google-outside-of-yourself perspective of leadership
  • Finding harmony and balance between your authentic (true north) self and what is being asked of you in your daily existence (often in conflict with each other)
  • Being more confident in bringing your whole self to the world
  • Inspired to continue to develop your understanding of the dynamics between humans, technology and the natural world
  • Increased curiosity and desire to create the space for other people to bring their talents and gifts to make a positive impact in the world
  • Improved clarity and discernment enhancing your ability to deal with difficult people and situations

Learning outcomes from the Personal Leadership for the Crypto and Blockchain Generation

  • Develop personal leadership skills to create value for yourself now, and into the future
  • Identify new innovations and sciences in leadership development development that accelerate personal leadership capabilities (what they don't teach in business schools and leadership retreats)
  • Create concepts of character, purpose, principles centered leadership and how it generates distributed leadership, irrespective of trait, personality of gender
  • Transform habits and bring about personal transformation
  • Identify and learn how to cultivate inner resources of strength and nourishment to sustain you on your path
  • Identify and learn how to cultivate external resources of strength and nourishment to sustain you on your path
  • Craft a personal vision that is aligned to your passion, values, strength and talent
  • Examine your Personal Leadership Brand and apply creative digital transformation models and tools to become the best self you can be

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